Can understand your concern..
As per your query Andolex Mouthwash contains
CHLORHEXIDINE which is an efficient agent against
gum infection..
Although in
pregnancy some women experience gum inflammations and swelling but only gum inflammation cannot be considered as an indication or diagnosis of pregnancy and if you are suspecting pregnancy you should get proper investigations done under the advise of a Gynecologist..
Gum inflammation occurs commonly due to poor
oral hygiene and when there are excessive deposits on teeth leading to more of bacterial accumulation which leads to infection and inflammation..
It can also occur in some medical condition like diabetes , pregnancy , due to certain medicines,due to other oral infections like thrush etc..
I would suggest you to
consult a dentist and in case you do not have any other condition as I explained above then infection can be a cause and along with Andolex you need to get Professional Cleaning known as Scaling of teeth done along with oral intake of antibiotics like
Metronidazole 400mg 3 times daily for 7 days along with
vitamin C lozenges like Limcee 1 to be taken daily for 15 days..
Continue with Andolex and NOTE that anything you should take only after consultation with your doctor..
Hope this information helps...
Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora..