Hallow Dear,
Vanishing of foetal heart beats was confirmed by
ultrasonography meaning thereby that you had
missed abortion. Later on you aborted completely as evident from the ultrasonography. So continuation of this
pregnancy is out of consideration.
Your belly has grown and you are feeling some weird movements in the abdomen. This is most likely due to over eating due to which your belly has increased in size and you have gaseous problems. Gurgling movements of gases in the intestines is perceived often as foetal movements. I would advise you to take some carminative mixture, plain soda to expel the gases. If needed, you may take some
digestive enzyme preparations. Worms also can cause such symptoms. You may take deworming medicine. This should give you relief.
Pregnancy starts showing visibly by increase in the size of the abdomen after 16 weeks. So this increase in the belly size cannot be correlated to pregnancy.
However, I do not wish to insult your feelings and perception. I am sure you are honest in describing your symptoms. Therefore, to confirm or rule out your suspicion, please perform urine pregnancy test on your morning first urine sample. This will clarify the dilemma. Even ultrasonography can give you direct visual evidence of the pregnancy status.
I am sure, this should help you.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri