Your husband has suffered congestive
heart failure. Heart failure is a condition in which the heart muscle becomes weaker than normal. The heart is unable to pump enough blood and
oxygen to meet the body's needs. When this happens, blood that should be pumped out of the heart backs up in the lungs and other parts of the body. This is why many people with heart failure have swelling in the extremities. The heart has to work harder to pump this extra fluid.
In most cases, heart failure is a chronic condition. There is no easy cure.
Coming to your query about sodium!!!
Sodium causes retention of water in the body. So, excess sodium will cause excess water retention putting pressure on already weak heart worsening symptoms of heart failure. That is why sodium is restricted in patient with congestive heart failure. Low sodium diet helps to improve symptoms of heart failure.
Sometimes, in very severe case of heart failure, sodium in blood becomes low due to dilution of body sodium by extra load of fluid caused by extremely weak heart. But remember, this is seen in terminal stage of heart failure which is not the case with your husband.
1. Limit your daily salt (sodium) intake to 2 g or less
2. Limit water intake to 2 liter per day
3. Take medicines regularly as suggested by your doctor
4. Take adequate potassium – eat fruits & vegetables daily
5. Avoid
smoking, alcohol and coffee
6. Take body weight daily
7. Walk at least 30 minutes daily