Hi, can I answer your health question? Please type your question here...at L2-L3, on my MRI, shows, moderate diffuse disc bulge with superimosed large superiorly and inferiorly extending central disc extrusion that measures up to approximately 2.4 cm in craniocaudal dimension...ortho surgeon says I need surgery, 2nd opinion, neuro surgeon says, surgery wont take away my front of thigh cramping and waist spasms, some radiating pain into left buttock, my head is spinning, I dont have the tingling or numbness, or burning, but, piriformis area is painful(trigger point) and, cramping in front of my thighs, sometimes groin, and, now, left side of waist going upward...all spasms, will surgery help? What are the odds of re-herniation, at L2 level, being that, there s more flexion at that level?