Hello. I have two specific questions about nasal physiology. At first i would like to apologise for my english, because it s not my native language. So, let s go straight to the subject: I am interested in some specific parts of nasal cycle physiology and dinamics. 1) How hot and humid enviroment affects nasal cycle - do turbinates shrinks or expands in this king of enviroment? (Intuitive thinking leads to thoughts that basically hot enviroment causes vasodilatation (in other parts of body) , but in this case this makes no sense: one of turbinates function is to warm up air you breathe in. This should happen when turbinate expands to make more surface area, so logically it expands in cold weather. Does that mean that it shrink in warm enviroment (for example hot bath tub)? 2) My second question is also about nasal cycle. How restriction of air flow affects it? For example if you plug one of your nostrils and breathe just with contralateral side for about few days or a week. Do normal nasal cycle happens in blocked side? I know that turbinates have air flow, temperature and other receptors to adapt for specific climate. So, restriction of air flow should turn off cyclic expanding of turbinate. Am i right, or maybe not? I am very thankful for your answers, please be specific as you can.