My 42 yr old daughter in law was admitted to hospital Jan 9th this year with acute a do pain, swollen abdomen, weight loss (gp had failed to find what was wrong since sept 2014!) it was found that her left kidney was only functioning 2%. It was found a stricture in her urea was causing the problem and they were unable to insert a camera to find out what was the cause of the collapsed ureta? They inserted a TT stent for 4 weeks and sent home on pain relief. After 3 weeks she was rushed back via 111 with severe pain, several tests were done. Ie. X-ray, vaginal sonography, then CT scan and no other underlying cause was found for pain. It was decided pain was coming from the stent. They removed it under GA, hoping to be able to insert a cameras, but sadly the ureta collapsed again! They have now inserted another TT stent, this time for 12 weeks. She has been sent home under pain management team. On Tramadol, slow release morphine, paracetamol, amitriptaline, bus captan and a drug that they normally give to men with enlarged prostrate (sorry don t know the name?). She is vomiting constantly, I think the drugs are not suiting her? She is bedridden with pain, weakness, exhaustion and sickness and my son ( her husband) and I don t know which way to turn? She has gone from a vibrant, lively, healthy, happy lady to a quivering wreck, rocking with pain and unable to function! Can nothing be done sooner than the 12 weeks? They have said if it fails in 12 weeks, it may mean a nephrostomy tube or lose the kidney? Surely they should be ensuring her right kidney is being preserved during this time? She is only under a local general hospital, not a specialist Urology centre. Please advise?