I am sorry that you are having such issues.
It is usual to have some pain after a major procedure like
hysterectomy. The duration of pain and the severity depends upon the type of procedure [abdominal, vaginal, laproscopy etc] and also on tissue response, presence of infection.
You are having pain on the right side only and also there is swelling. This may indicate a fluid collection inside [maybe serous fluid or even pus]. Another reason may be induration or swelling due to delayed healing or infection. Absence of
fever may not always rule out infection, as localised infection may not produce fever.
Another reason may be inflammation due to poor tissue response to suture material used for the stitches. Sometimes it happens. This heals slowly over time.
It will need an examination to see and determine what the swelling actually is. So better see you surgeon and get it examined so that further treatment may be decided upon the cause. Meanwhile try warm compresses to promote healing.
Thanks for the query and get well soon.
Feel free to ask any more questions that you may have.
Dr Madhuri Bagde
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist