My baby is preterm 28weeks + 6 days with 800gm birth weight. Pre-delivery is done because of reversal of flow in Placenta, remained in Neonatal care for 50 days. Discharge weight is 1.55 kg. Baby is now on formula (dexolac by Nutrica) + mother feed now and current daily medicine are ferium (3 drops/2 times), ostocalcium syrup (2.5ml / 2times), Zincovit (0.5ml / one time), calshine P (0.5ml / one time). problem : Baby is continuously forcing himself to pass gas. His motion becomes dry many times and he remain restless always. Current problem : His normal motion frequency is 3-4 times per day, but since Monday it increases to 9 to 10 times per day though motion were normal not loose. Considering that it will restrict in baby s weight gain We visited our pediatrician on Wednesday and he recommended vizylac syrup 60ml & one drop for stomach ace after that the frequency remains same ie. 9 to 10 times per day and motion becomes loose almost liquid. Baby’s weight gain also reduced from 30 gm/day to mere 7.5gm per day. Please advise for this situation. Baby weight as on wednesday is 2.20kg, and baby is passing motion every time when he is taking the feed. Also please advise that if it is ok if his regular medicine schedule is skipped by us some times for a day or two as we want to see if his iron or calcium are source for his inappropriate digestion as explained above. Baby s tummy remains soft till now and his feed are normal and passing urine normally except for today as urine becomes slight yellow in colour.