Thanks for contacting healthcare magic.
You have excessive gas problem in stomach that may be because of more fatty foid consuption.
Improper eating of food may cause bloting problem.
Lactose intolerance cause more gas problem after eating dairy product.
Stress or tention may cause this type of problems.
Intestinal inflammation like
celiac disease may cause abdominal bloting problem.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease may cause excessive gas formation in stomach.
Irritable bowel syndrom may ruled out.
But proper history and physical examination give exact idea.
Consent a gastroenterologist for further diagnosis.
Simethicone drug can helpful for gas relief.
Avoid oily and fatty foods.
Drink more water.
Avoid gaseous foods like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, turnips ,carbonated drinks. ..etc.
Use ginger or garlic that helpful for proper digestion and gas relief.
I hope my guidance is helpful to you.
Take care.