Hello, I d like to address an issue of a missed period. I have been using an app to track my cycle and recently lost my phone and had to start from scratch so I m pretty much going by memory and from what I think my cycle is I m 22 days late. My October cycle was regular and I started a new diet that month. I meal prepped went to the gym more often. In November there were some changes in my cycle. My period started earlier than usual and only lasted 2 to 3 days. That was abnormal for me. And the color was darker than usual and fairly light flow when usually day 2 is a heavier flow. I assumed it was my sudden change in diet and exercise. In November I did stop going to the gym all together, work got stressful and since the week before thanksgiving my diet has been completely unhealthy. In December I have been cramping but extremely gassy since october(I assume because of my diet). I have had breast tenderness pretty much all month and have had fatigue on and off. I ve noticed higher irritability levels. Much like when I get PMS. I haven t been drinking much water lately and have gone out and socially drank more than I usually do within a month. I have taken 3 urine pregnancy test when I was 11 days late and they all came out negative. At day 19 of my cycle I noticed spotting. It again was a darker color and was only noticed 2 times in one day. I haven t had frequent urination. I ve only had the usual when I have to go, i have to go urge. That usually happens right before my period and some times during my period. My breast are still tender no change in areola color or texture. I m just curious if this could still be a pregnancy and just not be detected in my urine because it was too early or do some women only blood tests are accurate. Or could this be due to other variables like diet, exercise, stress, ext. ?