I have been TTC since October and have had 7 IUIs from a fertility clinic. None resulted in success even with oral and injectable meds. My insurance won’t cover IVF until 12 artificial insemination attempts since I’m a woman without a male partner, so I’ve switched to at-home insemination in order to reduce costs. I tracked my cycle and got a positive OPK reading mid-morning on 7/10, so I inseminated later that day with frozen donor sperm. Long story short, I started normal period bleeding but am experiencing symptoms of pregnancy that I don’t usually have while on my period. I’ve read about decidual/breakthrough bleeding and am wondering if I could possibly be pregnant despite negative HPTs. 7/24 – period-like cramps, tender breasts, pelvic pain/tightness, no spotting/bleeding 7/25 – strong period-like cramps, tender breasts, pelvic pain/tightness, heavy flow 7/26 – tender breasts, pelvic pain/tightness, heavy flow, frequent urination, heavy flow, slight nausea 7/27 – tender breasts, pelvic pain/tightness, light-medium flow, frequent urination, nausea