You had penetrative sex but your BF ejaculated on your vagina and not inside vagina. You took an I pill for emergency
contraception, had spotting and then got normal periods as you always get. In many cases, itchy breasts and nipples are due to your bra. Unwashed can lead to skin irritation and itchiness. Dirty clothes, including underclothes, often have bacteria that can irritate the skin.
Contact dermatitis is a skin condition that occurs when your skin is exposed to an irritating object or substance. Take care of your hygiene.
Anything from laundry detergent to perfume could be causing an
allergic reaction, resulting in skin itchiness. Do not scratch. You can apply lacto
calamine lotion on the area affected for relief. If you have taken I pill within 72 hours of penetrative, unprotected sex and had normal periods after that then you shouldn't be pregnant. However, if you get nauseous & develop early signs of
pregnancy then you can take pregnancy test to be on the safer side.
Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Nupur K., General & Family Physician