I can understand your concern.
Ipill is an emergancy
contraceptive pill that is for accidents and emergancies. It should be taken within 72 hrs after having unprotected sexual intercourse. The sooner you take, the more are the chances of not being pregnant. Your wife took ipill the very next morning of unprotected sex. So she has more chances of being protected from
pregnancy. Generally, the overall success rate of emergancy contraceptive pills is 85%.
This is about the unprotected sex you had the first time.
However, ipill does not have effect on the consequences of
contraception if you have unprotected sex AFTER taking the pill. The pill has to follow sex and not the other way around. So I cannot say that there are no chances of pregnancy for the unprotected sex you had for the second time.
Your wife can take home prgnancy test available over the counter in any medical and super stores to be sure about pregnancy. She just has to urinate on the stick and look for the plus (+) or minus (-) sign. The instructions are nicely given on the pack.
In case she is not pregnant and has not got her periods, I advise you to visit a gynecologist for physical examination and rule out any other disorder responsible for missed periods.
I hope this information helps. Thank you for choosing HealthCareMagic. Take care.
Dr. Viraj Shah