Hello, I had a medical abortion August 21, 2016. Today which is 5weeks and 4 days after the abortion. I have not received my period, I did have sex but used protection. Yesterday I went to my doctors for a check up. I also wanted to get birth control. They gave me a pregnancy test to insure that I wasn t pregnant. Test was negative, I received my birth control shot yesterday September 28. Today (September 29) I had an appointment for a papsmear with my gynecologist. I told them how my doctors office was slightly unprofessional and unorganized and that I didn t trust my pregnancy results. Well at my gyno , they gave me a pregnancy test. It came back negative. When I made it home, at 1:50pm. At 2:30pm I received a call from my gynecologist office. The nurse informed me that taking a good look at my pregnancy test , it showed a very very faint line. I m scheduled in one week to get blood work done, and to get another pregnancy test, to see if I still have pregnancy hormones, or if I m carrying a new pregnancy . My question is, is there a chance that I still have pregnancy hormones due to the abortion 5weeks ago? Or is there a high chance I m carrying a new pregnancy ?