Dear Sachin, Hi & Welcome to HCM.
I can understand your concern.
Timing of having intercourse is very important when it comes to conceiving.
As a matter of facts sperms can survive for 3-5 days after ejaculation, but the egg is around for only 12 to 24 hours. To increase the likelihood of conception, it's important to have daily intercourse in the days leading to ovulation and on the day your wife ovulates.
Since it is not possible for you to have sex every alternate day, the best approach in that case would be to have sex 1-2 days before ovulation & again on the day of ovulation (rupture of egg from the
ovarian follicle). Ovulation usually occurs about 14 days before her next period. If she has a 28-day cycle, which is the average, then she would ovulate about halfway through her cycle. But if she has a 35-day cycle, she would ovulate around day 21, not day 17. (Day 1 is the first day of her period).
Hope the suggestion given above would enable you to become a father.
Best wishes.
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