Hello. I had sex with this guy on May 21st, he told me afterwards that he had sex with an African-American stripper, and needless to say I was pretty freaked out. I then got swollen taste buds on the back of my tongue literally the next day, then a sore throat followed a day later. Since then, I ve been getting mild fevers and headaches... I usually never get headaches. From time to time, my throat would hurt more accompanying a headache and the left side of my face would get numb. I had also been getting weak muscles and fatigue. I got a rapid HIV test yesterday (30th day since exposure) at planned parenthood which came back negative, but the doc called me today and said that I was positive for chlamydia. Do you think these symptoms that I ve described: sore throat, headache, fever, numbing of the left side of my face, muscle weakness and fatigue would result in an HIV infection?? Please reply asap thanks!