Thank you for asking Healthcare majic.
My name is Dr Ehsan Ullah &
I have gone through your query.
you have mentioned about your
pregnancy of 28 days and are using Evion 400mg from the last 20 days.
your concern is regarding whether it's safe or not during pregnancy.?
it was thought that
Vitamin E, an Antioxident
is beneficial during the pregnancy
people used a larger doses of this by thinking that it prevents
miscarriages and helps at delivery time by preventing
pre-eclampsia - (a condition in pregnancy characterized by
high blood pressure, sometimes with fluid retention and abnormal quantities of proteins in urine)
but recent studies (Conducted in Australia & London) suggest that the reverse may be true.
vitamin could disrupt the functions of the placenta,
depriving babies of nutrients,
children born to women who have taken high doses of vitamin E may have an increased risk of
asthma and
I don't know whether you mentioned your physician previously about your pregnancy or not
its advisable to Quit it and consult your physician for some local applicant for the pimple scars
Hope this may help you. Let me know if anything not clear.