My son is 17, has autism, takes 50 mg of vyvanse and 7.5 mg of aripiprazole (abilify) just added 2 months ago. His Dad wants to add clonidine. I need more info. I asked the psychiatrist if there are any studies or even if she know of any anecdotal evidence that the 3 of these would be a good combination for him. His behaviors are short attention span, some anxiety (although that is under control from adding the abilify). She had no studies, she had no patients currently on the combination of the 3. She knew of no situations where these 3 meds are being given to anyone much less a 17 year old with autism, who would have difficulty articulating any problems. The only thing she did say is that as far as she could tell there were no adverse interactions with these 3 meds. My son can speak, but has trouble actually having a meaningful conversation with adults and peers. I don t think that he would be able to identify and articulate any side effects he may have, so unless the side effects were really obvious I may not know what s going on. Any guidance/advise is greatly appreciated. She also said if we didn t go with clonidine, we could try concerta.