thank-you for providing the brief history of you.
A thorough musculoskeletal assessment is advised.
As mentioned by you that changing multiple shoes as well the pain in the feet do not go, I will recommend you to do exercises for the foot
Since foot is a complex structure with abundant muscles and bones it is difficult to strengthen the muscles easily. Also, the muscles are shorter as well. Usually, while buying the shoes, you should check few things how to buy a shoe, as the flexibility of the shoe matters a lot for the feet. If the shoe can flex for 180° than that shoe is mostly recommended for feet. But in today's time, there are a plenty of options but very few shoes are good.
Also, why mentioning about 180° of shoe flex is because a human feet is a complex but flexible structure to take the
stress and strain along with balance and weight. So a perfect shoe is very difficult to make as well as to find.
Now coming to your pain, first need is the X-ray of both the feets, needs a thorough gait assessment and also Musculoskeletal assessment. Since feet bears the weight of the body and also acts as a base of support the relative structures needs an assessment.
Also, performing simple feet exercises like, picking the marbles with toes, rubbing the feet in a hard enough stone, picking the bits of paper, etc are the few exercises for the feet. For which this exercises will help strengthen the muscles of feet and also the balance and control of the feet.
Also, as age progresses our feet becomes more soft and more shiny. this means the muscles are becoming weak and that is the reason people in old age have falls.
with performing this exercises and selecting the best shoe will help you get rid of pain and also to avoid falls in old age.
As I wish to explain more of the shoes and foot biomechanics but still it's a less place for me to write up. as the complex mechanism is difficult to understand.
Jay Indravadan Patel