Hello and welcome to HCM,
The presence of 6 million round cells in semen is abnormal.
Round cells can be white blood cells or germ cells.
When white blood cells are present, it is called leucocytospermia.
A routine semen study will also determine whether the cells are white blood cells or germ cells.
1.4 miilion/ml motile sperms is low and can be a cause of disturbed
Presence of head defects in 100% sperms is again an abnormality which will affect fertility.
It is important to know the nature of round cells.
Thus, I suggest a testicular aspiration.
In aspiration of testis, cells are aspirated and examined to look for presence of immature cells.
The findings are suggestive of some kind of arrest in development of sperms.
If the round cells are white blood cells, it is indicative of infection and the infection needs to be treated with appropriate antibiotics.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja Puri