About 6 months ago i slipped and fell, hitting my shin into the doorframe and this hurt alot and left me with this numb patch on the impact area. whenever i kneel or put pressure on this area it feels as though water is in a balloon and i am pushing it to one side and then suddenly i get this popping feeling like it has burst and i get an almighty stinging and aching pain. ive had this ever since i had the accident. Now, 6 days ago (tuesday) i fell at work and landed on the area with the popping pain, landing on a toy (i work in a nursery) and the pain was soo intense i couldnt walk, my whole leg went numb from the top of my thigh down to my ankle and it was throbbing, aching and stinging all at once and i had an instant lump form on my thigh which immediately turned into a bruise but had no immediate bruising on my shin. i went to a&e about 6 hours after the accident and they told me it is only tissue bruising and was sent home. now, 5 days later, the pain has significantly gotten worse, my leg is still numb with severe aching, stinging and throbbing, the bruises are coming out on my lower leg but moreso in places i didnt hit and the bruise on my thigh is now almost the width of the thigh and is dark purple. i can barely walk as now my ankle is hurting alot and i cant sit for long. the only way i can describe the stinging pain is like my leg is trying to expand but my skin wont let it and i have an almighty pressure when sitting, standing and laying and i cannot cope with the pain anymore. do you think it is just bruising or could it be something else?