Hi Doc. I am a 40y/o male, 6'2", 185pounds, fit and excellent general health. For my whole life I have struggled with sinus issues. Chronic congestion alternating with acute sinusitis fairly regularly. About 8 years ago I began using oxymetazoline nasal decongestants. You know the story, I'm sure. I became totally dependant. For the last 8 years I have used it pretty much constantly about every 6 to 8 hours. Three cold-turkey withdrawal attempts failed as the next cold/ allergy attack that came along caused me to revert. I am now again in withdrawal. I am 7 days in. The worst of it is over but I do have some constant congestion. My questions: 1. Is it possible that the nose spray has caused permanent harm? 2. How long does the withdrawal process last. Am I back to "baseline" now or can I still expect some more improvement in my condition.