Hepatitis can occur due to
hepatitis A, B, C, D or E virus. Hepatitis due to
viral hepatitis B, C & D is treated with anti-viral drugs. There are chances of developing
chronic liver disease due to viral hepatitis B, C, and D. Hepatitis due to viral hepatitis A & E is treated conservatively with supportive treatment with liver tonics, and chronic liver disease does not develop due to viral hepatitis A and E. Most of the time, patient recovers completely with supportive treatment only from hepatitis caused by hepatitis A virus. There will not be any complication in future. So don’t worry. But as you are telling that you also had hepatitis C. So you need anti-viral drug under specialist doctor. Also you are having RA and you must be taking medicines for its treatment. Some drugs that are used for treatment of RA aggravate
liver damage. So you need specialist treatment under a hepatologist.
1. Hospitalization for intensive supportive treatment by intravenous fluids
2. Take proper rest. Do not involve in strenuous activity for few months.
3. Make sure that you drink clean, uncontaminated water
4. Take vegetables and fruit juice.
5. Avoid too much salt as it increases edema of liver
6. Avoid alcohol and medicines known to cause liver damage such as paracetamol
7. Divide your meals into smaller portions and eat them frequently during the day
8. Avoid oily & spicy food
9. Investigations – Serum
bilirubin, SGPT/
SGOT, USG abdomen