Is there a test for worms of different kinds as I spent 15 years living in Asia in remote areas of Sulawaisi, Indonesia, Sumatara, Java etc, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Banglandesh, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Gambia etc.... I have eaten many meats like, Yak, goat, dog (believe it or not) never having prepared any of it myself. I have had extreme problems in India with my gut.... which resulted in green gel coming out of my backside instead of poop. I have never had full tropical tests.... I have been diagnosed with Fibro Myalgia and Chronic Fatigue and they are guessing that I have IBS, I have a very bloated stomach, sometimes cant get to the loo in time, I wake up in the night with tummy pain and have to get up to poop at silly times. sometimes I pooop 5 times a day when I have always been a once a day person. I have always been a steady 9stone weight and have been 11 stone now for 3 years. I am fed up with the flatulence and have have very painful piles off and on for 7 years, I cannot take any cocodamol any more... I have had a discecomy on L4/L5 5 years ago in June. I have drop foot as the drs refused to take seriously my complaints of undiagnosed sciatica. I have discharge coming out of my nipples. I have been mensturating for most of the past 3 months (about 2 weeks off from bleeding), my period pain are getting extreeme, I have very badly dry eyes, I also have painful hands etc, they say its not carpol tunnel (nerve conduction test), I have had the test for my drop foot too as they said I should not have drop foot as my nerve root was no longer squashed. They then back tracked as said the nerve conduction test did indicate that I have drop foot but it was so intensely painful that I could not complete the test, they say that is the fibro myalgia. I have 2 bulging disks at C5/6/7, sometimes I wake and my arms are numb tingling. I have a herniated belly button... I hardly eat very much at all and feel that I am fit to burst! I look like I am pregnant with twins. I hope you might have some advice. I am concerned that I hardly eat but have put on 2 stones and the tummy pains and my poops are mostly very light and fluffy (I eat a high fibre diet) and I hate that I have a bit of herniated anus. what can I do...