Hi and thanks for your query,
Otrivine is a local anti
histamine, and offcourse with prolonged use could have rebound effects. However, I am glad to inform you that, if i your case you find yourself almost depending on otirvine, there are other many drug options that could actually replace otrivine, with long lasting effects and efficacy.
It certainly implies you should be having
allergic rhinitis. A
chronic sinusitis too needs to be excluded for other systemic drugs or local acting long effect drugs like local
steroids to be prescribed. These drugs when taking appropriately reduce symptoms and actually increase and improve quality of life in patients with allergic rhinitis.
I suggest you take an appointment with an ENT surgeon. He might be of real help, first by examining you to exclude other pathologies, like polyps and sinusitis, and secondly, prescribing appropriate effective drugs, in case , its exclusively allergic rhinitis.
Thanks for the question and hope this helps,
Luchuo, MD>