There are no reliable tests to help diagnose MCS, and there are no effective or proven treatments.
We used to prescribe antidepressants, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as
Luvox, Paxil, and
Prozac. Other doctors find that medicines for
anxiety and sleep help.
Treating specific symptoms, such as
headaches with Pain killers may also help.
People often find solutions on their own.
Some learn from experience that certain foods or chemicals seem to make their symptoms worse. Avoiding those chemicals or foods may help.
But going on very strict diets, rigorously avoiding exposure to allergens and pollutants, or quitting a job can be a big burden.
There are no proven ways to determine or treat this illness.
Before you spend time and money getting specialized treatment or working with an environmental contractor to renovate your house to remove possible triggers remember that there isn't good evidence that these approaches have medical benefits.
Unproven treatments could do more harm than good.
Hope this helps.
Please reply for further queries.
wishing you good health.