?I have been using zyclara pump for about four weeks. I have had quite a bit of pain, itching, redness and drainage. I had a basal cell about 20 years ago on my right temple, ear area. The basal cell was deep & I had mose surgury, & later had about 30 radiation treatments. Everything seemed to be okay until about 5 wks ago. Had a biopsy on a small leison in the same area. My doctor prescribed zyclara pump for a 6 wks treatment regiman. It has not been pleasant. The side effects started right away. Today, it has been worse with pain. I have been in contact with my doctor, & actually had appointment & consultation with him last Wed. He said it appeared the zyclara was doing what it was supposed to do. I m not sure at this rate it I can stand the pain . Do you have any suggestions for me or recommendations? Thank you much.