I had an epidural injection in my cervical spine five days ago due to herniated disks and stenosis, pain and numbness in arms/hands. Immediately following the injections, my blood pressure went way up to 160/120., where I normally have perfect BP. Since the injection, i had a few days of pain relief and thought I was improving during the injection . However, I have had the hot flashes, heart palpitations, insomnia, feeling of inability to breathe, and stomach nauseous since the shot(comes and goes). !I was told if the shots don t work, I will need to get the disks fixed. I am 40 years old, my mother had the same problem and had the surgery when she was in her late 40 s. The pain in the neck has returned and I don t feel any relieve. My question s in regards to the shots and hit should do. Is The reaction to the steroid normal, or can it be indicative of an unhealthy issues. Is the reaction to be worse if iget a second injection? I don t want to go through this reaction to the shots again if the best thing is to get surgery anyway, but I am scared for surgery. The reaction to the injection did scare me s well