Is there permanent brain damage from short-term use of Xanax? In the past I have been prescribed .25 mg alprazolam (Xanax) to take as needed. I would take about one a month. I am 46 years old with mild TBI (traumatic brain injury), seasonal depression and PTSD. I am unusual in having zero problems of drug addiction: I am super careful in monitoring my reactions to all medications, will never take anything other than as prescribed, and will still never take anything until first I ve researched by myself its dosage, reactions to other medications, dangers and side effects and decided that the prescription is indeed worth taking. My current psychiatrist does not want to prescribe me Xanax, stating that it will cause permanent brain damage. I do not want to take Xanax if indeed just taking it once causes permanent brain damage! However, previously it has been very helpful in getting me past horrific panic attacks when extremely difficult instances have occurred in my life. So, what has research proven? Will indeed taking Xanax just once every few months, at my low dose, still result in a very little bit of permanent brain damage?