Is there something wrong with me? we want to have a child. Hi, I have been trying to have a baby for the past year now, I am 26 I have my monthly every month like clock work, have never missed one, me and partner have been trying and have sex every day two to three times a day for the past year, I would think with the amount of times we have sex a day it would increase our chances but nothing, we know that he is able to have kids due to almost having one in another relationship but they didn t keep it, my doctor says that because I have my monthly every month I should not worry to much about it but I feel like something is wrong with me and that I may not be able to have children. I am 26 and I have never been pregnant I have never had an STD, I have normal paps and I take care of myself well is there anything else I can do to incerase our chances we want to have a child three or four at that but are both scared that I am not able too please help, I am the oldest out of 6 of my moms kids and everyone of my brothers and sister have children even the youngest who is 17 is having his second child is there something wrong with me? Is there more I could be doing? why is this happening to me? I want to have a child and feel I am running out of time PLEASE HELP my doctor say there is nothing wrong with me PLEASE. Oh have never been on birth control ever.