Hi thanks for contacting HCM.
Ursodeoxycholic acid useful in dissolving
cholesterol into bile .So prevent gall stone formation. And yes in
jaundice liver having load for cholesterol
metabolism.So it can be used.
Cobadex is vitamin B cobtainbg tablet.That can be taken.You are also given prophylactic antibiotic.In jaundice no need for antibiotic until it is bacterial
Regarding diet you have to strictly avoid fatty food.
Use very much less oil in cooking.
Avoid food like butter, pizza, burger, cheese , non veg etc.....
Fruits and green leafy veg taken more.
Papaiya is good fruit in jaundice.
One tsp carom seed and cumin seed mixture taken with water daily good herbal remedy according to few study.....
Avoid alcohol and smoking.
Take care.
Dr.Parth Goswami