Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood your concerns.
With the detailed history of H pylori, its treatment for 2 weeks, Ursodiol for
gall stones which were not seen on consecutive
ultrasound, development of bloating and
acid reflux in spite of probiotics on and off and daily yogurt indicate the need of further evaluation:
I would advise you the following in such a situation:
Get an upper GI Endoscopy examination.
Barium swallow and follow through.
Tests of stool on three consecutive days.
Tests of blood: CBC, liver and other functions as may be needed.
Clinical evaluation by a Gastroenterologist to see for probable clinical diagnosis to be supported and finalized by reports of investigations so that a proper management can be done.
If the stool tests shows sort of infection then a course of an antibiotic,
metronidazole can help.
Change the probiotics.
It is also possible that stress and anxiety are playing their parts causing
aerophagia and thus causing gases and bloating, hence get a control over these if you have any.