Thanks for contacting HCM. Dear patient please understand
diabetes is a disease in which primary means of control is diet modification and regular exercise. Most people should be able to control blood
glucose levels by proper diet and exercise alone, its only when they fail to do that medication is added to above regimen.
Basics of
diet for diabetics are-
1. Avoid starchy, sugary, refined, fried and junk food.
2. Eat small but frequent meals every 3 hours if possible.
3. Eat whole grain foods and whole wheat bread.
4. Eat lots of vegetables, salads, and fruits(avoid very sweet fruits if you blood glucose is not under control).
5.If possible use olive oil for cooking and dressings.
6. Avoid white starchy food like white rice, white bread etc.
7. Eat nuts especially almonds in their natural form.
8. Take skimmed and unsweetened milk,curd and yogurt.
9. Eat fish atleast 3 times a week.