Hello & welcome,
If there is not significant finding in x-ray taken to check the area undergone apicectomy, then it's role in temporal pain is negligible.
If there is any overfilling or overextended filling above the
root canal orifice, then it causes pain which may be referred to below the eye.
Now as you are habitual of clenching the teeth both during sleep & when in
stress, it is more likely the main culprit here for having you pain in temporal area.
Clenching of the teeth ( also called "Bruxism" ) puts heavy loads not only on the teeth periodotal fibers but also on surrounding bone.
It may cause vertical bone loss in addition to tooth pain & teeth may become mobile with mobility increasing gradually with bruxism.
Clenching of the teeth is directly associated with pain in Temporo-mandibular-Joint (
TMJ ) as TMJ is exposed to more stress due to heavy loads. It is also responsible for hypertrophy of buccinator muscle which is used mainly while teeth clenching.
So loads to TMJ may present with pain in Temporal region.
Treatment include placement of Night guards to prevent teeth damage by taking impression by
Painkillers given along with muscle relaxants are very useful in such condition.
Removal of causative factor of stress is very important to reduce the clenching frequency. Full mouth radiographs should be taken by your dentist to evaluate the periodontal condition along with the integrity of the surrounding bone.
There is no direct connection between clenching of teeth & vision. So, you can visit Eye specialist to get your eyes examined.
Take care