A few days ago I had a random itch on my chest , I cantsee it because of where it is on my chest so I asked my grandma if anything was there, she said it looked like my skin was peeling, which I found very odd because I haven t even been outside in a while, so I couldn t have gotten burnt or anything for my skin to peel. So I looked in the mirror and there was a small circle on my chest about the size of a nickel, around it my skin was flaking of kind of. That was two days ago, and I forgot all about it until last night when it itched again in that same spot, and after I scratched it it burned really bad. This morning I asked my aunt what it was and she said it looked like I got burned there(like by a cig), I m 15 and I don t smoke , its impossible to be from a cig. This afternoon I have been very very lightheaded, and when I lay down it feels like the room is spinning. (I m not sure if this is because of that spot or not because I have a history of passing out and feeling lightheaded) what do you think this thing is? Do you think it s causing my lightheaded ness? (p.s. there is no bump there and it s not red unless I scratch it, it has a rough texture and rarely itches, but I m worried it may be a dangerous bug bite or something)