Uncontrolled diabetes can be associated with itching, the other symptoms would intense thirst, passing alot of urine,
weight loss, increase in appetite,
Some persons may not have many symptoms at all and it is just found on a random check. To find out if you are diabetic, you should visit your doctor for a check up.
Rash between the legs can be due to a
fungal infection.Treatment involves keeping the area dry and clean,
avoiding clothing that would irritate the area, the use of antifungal powders which can usually be obtained over the counter.
Other causes of itching in the groin are : (1) eczema- the skin has a allergic or hyperactive response
(2) lice in the pubic area
lichen simplex chronicus which is a skin disorder that leads to longtermed itching and scratching. It can be found in eczema, psoriasis,
nervousness. It is a cycle: something scratches or irritates the skin, the person scratches it which causes the skin to thicken. The thick skin itches more which causes more scratching and more thickening and so on. The first part of treatment is to stop the scratching.
You may need to visit a
dermatologist to get an accurate diagnosis of the rash, he or she will tend initiate appropiate treatment based on the history and examination.
I hope this information is helpful to you and I wish you the best.