Hi, I am an 18 year old female. Over the past few days, my throat has been a little itchy and I had a dry cough. Yesterday I felt like there was phlegm in my throat so I kept trying to cough it up, I even stuck my finger down there. When I woke up this morning my throat was feeling no better so I looked in the mirror and there were like little white spots on my glands. I can feel them when I swallow my spit, but it doesn t hurt me or prevent me from eating or drinking. I looked on the internet and from my research, I believe they are throat ulcers . What can I do to treat them and how do they come about? Also I ve had oral sex recently and swallowed the sperm (sorry for all the detail,) but I went to the doctors after I did for a check up so I know it isn t herpes. Someone please help!