I am a 44 years old asian woman. I started having itchy bumps on the back of my neck 19 days ago. Then it went to arms, back and head.
Went to a doctor three days after it started. He gave me sulfamethoxazole and didn't work at all. In the ten days of taking the medicine, I used hydrocortisone 1%. When I finished taking the last pill, my whole body was covered with red, pin size dots, it isn't itchy but felt like being pricked by pins. I took a Benadryl right away. The new rash stayed for a day but no discomfort. The bumps turned a bit flatten and soften but didn't disappear. During this period of time, I went to Savanna, then, North Carolina and Michigan and my husband doesn't get it. Not bed bug bites. :) However, new bumps keeps coming. Now I have about 33 of them. Can you help?