Last night I woke up with severely itchy palms, grew into rashed unp and down my arms and lower back. I had a big bite (unknown) on my shoulder blade. Not painful, but itchy. I have asthma but did not have an attack from this, but I did have severe "seemed like all over" itching. I took my son's Children's Benedryl which seemed to calm things down. As I was changing my nightclothes just in case it was a detergent allergy, I noticed I had huge swelling under boths armpits. This swelling has now gone down but not disappeared ( it is 12 hours later). Is there a better antihistimine I could have in the house to address this? We live in Tucson AZ and bugs are a fact of life. Especially when it is hot and we use the swamp cooler. I just had Terminix here on Monday to spray all entrances, perhaps I scared a nasty bug out of hiding.