You are under lot of stress and worries.
You are psychologically disturbed. It seems that , it is the only and definite cause of scalp itching... Scalp prurigo.
Hair loss,
telogen effluvium..is also due to psychological factors.
Anxiety and
depression are bad factors to precipitate scalp prurigo and hair loss.
I think you need peaceful enviornment.
You should try to keep your mind cool.
Every problem has its solution...
Try to solve problem. If not possible, then you accept it.
I definitely hopeful for your psychological improvement.
You take anti axiety drugs like fluoxetin.. Under observation of
psychiatrist or
Remember , development of moles are based on genes, no enviormental or psychological factors increase the size and numbers of moles.
I hope you got my answer...
Best wishes for recovery.
Dr. Ilyas Patel MD