It's concerning about my sexual health. I am 18. I had oral sex for the first time on my boyfriend Nov. 14th of this year. It's been 3 weeks since. I have no fever. I have no sores in my mouth. I have no rashes. My tongue looks normal. I have an appetite. I poop just fine. I have no swollen lymph nodes. My neck is fine. My armpits are just fine. My throat doesn't hurt. But I do notice there is 2 small bumps near my left tonsil in my throat. It is somewhat red. It doesn't hurt, I have no pain. When I yawn there is a strain it feels like, but it's not an excruciating pain. My boyfriend lost his virginty back in June of this year, having sex without a condom with a girl that said she was a virgin. When he told me that I was worried. He then told me he was clean. He also told me that girl he had sex with had gotten a tested and got her results back on Nov 4th, saying she was HIV negative. I saw the proof. He also told me he got checked because he was worried himself that if he caught anything, so he got tested and he told me that everything was negative for him. I was just paranoid like what if he lied to me. But he said he wouldn't lie about stuff like that with me. I'm afraid I don't what what it is. Is it HPV? I'm too scared to go to my parents with this. I just don't know what to do.