My daughter is 16, she has joint pains all over her body even her ribs made worse when she is cold - she has trouble sleeping due to the pain, her RF factor is over 200, but there is no joint damage she has good flexibiliy, joints do swell but only her wrist is consistantly swollen. She is more stiff in the mornings. If she excercises too much she would suffer for days. She suffers with headaches, is moody. She is lactose intolerant. Her periods are irregular and heavy. The doctors seem confused and have not linked any of the symptoms. RA is possible but the doctors are unsure and she is on pain relief for now. The RA Consultant has dianosed arthralgia/myalgia and positive RF and has referred her to have her muscles checked out. She has had an auto-immune screen and Beta 2 glycoproteins have been negative