Hello maitosuvajit
Welcome to Health Care Magic
Dear friend
Paranoid Schizophrenia is characterized by paranoid ideation, ideas of reference so individual get withdrawn to self, severe social withdrawal also occurs. When medicines are give like Resperidone (Sizodone and Zisper both are same), sertaline; improvement occurs and patient come to know about the social and
occupational dysfunction in his life, he becomes demotivated. All this cause decrease in self confidence in a patient. Best thing that can be done in such patients is-
- Proper familial support, warm support is necessary for quick recovery as usually the family members of a paranoid patients also show the signs of
stress, hopelessness ( because Patient even become paranoid to care givers also). So family should understand the emotions of patient and give warm support to him.
- Social skill training by a trained
psychologist, as patients emotional expression becomes blunt so social skill training is must.
- Vocational training of the patient so that his confidence levels increase.
So try to give warm support to him and understand that he is ill, try to motivate him.
Take Care