Hello and welcome to HCM,
What is color of the blotches?
Since the blood tests are within normal limits, it is unlikely that the blotches are
ecchymosis or purpural patches.
Ecchymosis and purpural patches are caused by spontaneous bleeding.
This bleeding is due to low platelet counts or
platelet dysfunction.
It appears that the blotches are due to involvement of the skin by some disease process.
And the disease process is spreading to involve other parts of body.
Is the affected part associated with itching or pain?
Itching is characteristically seen in fungal infections.
Scaling of the lesion suggests some erythematous lesion.
A clinical examination is required for further work up.
Consult a dermatologist for clinical examination, relevant investigations and hence management.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja P Wahal