hello Dr. Samuel, me and my husband have been trying to have a baby for almost 1 year already. I normally have 28-32 days cycle and the most days I had my cycle late was 4 days. HOwever, my period is currently 8 days late. I tested negative several times using home hpt which I used every 3 days (all negative). This morning, I went to urgent care and requested for blood test. The doctor recommended urine test and said I do not need a blood test for now. The urine test came out negative. I feel so bloated for the last 2 weeks, I have minor cramps but no period. I have dry to heavy yellow discharge this week. The doctor said the urine test is very accurate. However, he asked to me test again if I dont get my period in 2 days. Is that correct? do you think I could still be pregnant?