Thanks for the query to H.C.M. Forum.
Left side
kidney size is somewhat less than normal size of kidney.
Calculi are there,
In my few patients I have tried some Ayurvedic drugs and results were 90 % with success.
Need not to say plenty of water is necessary.
Nilstone capsule is available in market and in my opinion , 2 capsule three times a day is necessary till stone expel from kidney.
Along capsule take calcury tablets 2 tablets three times in day.
Keep in mind that barley juice is important.
2nd treatment which I tried over my few patients is as follow.
Take 10 black pepper and chew them one by one early in the morning on empty stomach.
Hydronephrosis is there , but cause is stone, so once stone come out , problems will resolve.
As your doctor prescribed metformine and tablet for
hypertension, take these normally.
Now drink water as much as you can do and result will come out.
Hope I have answered your question.
If further any question I will help.
Good luck.