I have left sided neck ache and left ear feels of dull ache nothing painful. I also have a full stomach feeling all day with random aches/numb feelings in left side large intestine , below ribs and left shoulder with backache . Struggled to stay awake all day and getting build up of mouth saliva from time to time that makes me feel a little sick. These symptoms come and go over the past year and so far I only have the diagnosis as stated below. All my blood tests, ekg s, ENT test have come back as being ok. Any thoughts? Currently diagnosed with IBS that brings on anxiety . Also have issues with c1 sublaxation bone at top of spine - often sits out of place to the left leaving the area below my left ear and just behind my jaw lumpy and tender. This was diagnosed by my physio 1 year ago and goes up and down in size and sensitivity. 6 weeks ago had a left sided septoplasty operation to fix an 18 year deviation, all went went with no post infection. Still don t have full breathing capabilities from left side! I m male, 34 years old and I smoke and drink alcohol.