Hello, not quite sure if this works but I will try. I have been noticing tha within the last month I have had small oval shaped lesions appearing on my legs. They 1st start out in appearance as old skin compiled that itches really bad and then when I scratch it or scrape off the top, it leaves a perfectly round/oval shaped lesion with the meat exposed of course. They burn like hell and hurt. I have noticed that as they heal, the center is always tender and painful and the outer parts turns purplish to black. I am kind of scared when I itch somewhere now, because after I scratch the skin comes off the top and leaves these oval/circular lesions all over. I do have an appointment on Friday but don t know exactly what to make of them. I have thought of everything from Aids to Cancer to a derm-issue, and to be honest all the options scare me. What do you think?