You are correct in thinking that as ther can not be infection in operation wound,as there no discharge or pain at the sight.
The stmoach pain,
dizziness &sickness may be due to
gastritis 2ndry to the postoperative medicines given to avoid infection
&hassen healing. the symptoms mostly occure if the medicines are taken on an empty stmoach. you can add antacids( dried alum. hydroxide,
mag. hydroxide
& activated diamethicone)+
Ranitidine preparation 150 mg. twice a day.
Also take nonsoicy/easy to digest food- small servings ,more frequently.
cold milk many a time gives releif. ,avoid tea,coffee,hot drinks.
never take drugs on empty stmoach unless specifically adviced.
The guddiness & weakness is due to weakness, pl. take Vit.B. complex suppliment(injectable if
abdominal pain is ++.
It is ideal to go to your Dr. for a follow up & follow the instructions given
Thank you.