hi welcome to hcm.see i give you plan 4 lichen plans first you stop
allopathic medicine and follow homoeopathy as per instruction like
Day 1 sul 30 5 pills or 5 drops 3times a day
day 2-8 nat mur 30 5pills or 10 drops 3times a day
day 9-15 allovera juice 30ml with hot water in morning at empty stomach and at bed time.
day 16-22 sepia 30 5pills or 10 drops 3times aday
day 23-29 ars alb 30 5pills or 5drops 3times
30day sul 30 5pills or 5drops 3times aday
day 31-45 anti crud 5pills or 10drops 3times a day
day 46-60 kali bich 30 5pills or 10 drops 3times aday
day 61-75 sul iod 30 5pills or 10 drops 3times aday
day 76-90 juglan cinerea 5pills or 10 drops 3times a day
day 91-120 ars iod 5pills or 10drops 3times aday.
after finish the programme you definetally get some benefit. associated with take echinesia Q 15 drops once in morning in half cup of water.